9711543781, 9560775768
“Ma Sharada” (Chinmaya Mission)
6thAbilympics (Delhi, IG Stadium)
“Mirdad: A Light House & Haven” (Sri Ram Centre, Delhi)
Duet with Spanish Flamenco Dancer Omayra Amaya, Guitarist Pedro Cortes from Miami, Spanish Singer Julio Gabber (April 2003)
“RhythmIc Echoes & Reflections” (Jan 2003): MEA film with duets and trios with Tap dance, Spanish Flamenco dance and Western Classical Dance
“RasRasikRaskhan” – based on the works of Raskhan
“Kahlil Gibran”
“Colours of Qutab” (2002) with Spanish Flamenco dancer Ivan Martin Barroso, Qutab Festival
“Pukar” – on the girl child born in a prison
“Nandi” (text researched on Nandi, the bull – vehicle of Lord Shiva)
“Yashoda’s Soliloquy: The Other View”: Based on Dr SitakantMohapatra’s poem
“GeetGovind” (a special ballet based on Jayadeva’s works highlighting the importance and mood of the ‘aharyaabhinaya’)